What is onnoodles?
365 pages of notes (1 for every day of the year).
Only 1 page is editable each day.
All 365 pages stick around forever.
Next year, you'll be writing on the same page as you did today.
You can set individual notes to be private or public as you go.
What is onnoodles not?
A social networking site. (though you can have people follow your noodles via twitter)
A diary.
A blog.
A journal.
A calendar.
A lego space station.
Is it free?
Why would I use it?
You can use it for whatever you want.
Write in the present tense. Write in the past tense.
Some people use it to remember secrets and lies they've told.
Some share an account to keep track of group rituals.
You can look back and see what you did last year and the year before that and the year before that year....and do the same thing. Or do something new.
How do I share my noodles?
Your public noodles appear at:
Share that link with your real friends.
We also encourage sharing an account login and password with someone really close to you.
What is a private message vs a public message?
The checkbox at the corner of your input box sets your noodles to be private or public.
(your preference is saved automatically so you don't have to keep checking it if you always want private noodles)
Private notes are only viewable by you.
Public notes (private box unchecked) will show up on the 'everyone' page and is also viewable
by anyone that visits your page at onnoodles.com/yourusername. Additionally, if you've activated twitter with onnoodles, your note
will be posted to twitter.
Why are pages only editable on that date?
We like it that way.
But there are ways to cheat the system...
How do I get an account?
onnoodles is currently in private beta.
Email us at noodles@onnoodles.com and tell us how you would use onnoodles.
Who made this?
Why do we (CW&T) use it?
We like small things.
But it is hard to remember small things on a big scale.
We built onnoodles as a place to keep things that are significant to us at the scale of a day so that they will have a place in the scale of many years.
We call this manufacturing rituals. But you can call it what you want.
Why the name onnoodles?
We like noodles. They're good for you. You can put stuff on noodles to make it taste really good.
Some people eat noodles every day.